Abstractotech or Abstract Technology is a platform to bring in curated technology content from different domains i.e., not dedicated to either one field or type.

By the way, this is Pushpendra Singh Patel, and Abstractotech was conceptualized way back in 2012 with the motive to educate others about technology. At that time, the address was abstractotech.blogspot.com, powered by Google’s Blogspot platform. But change is the only constant. Soon www.abstractotech.com was born with new-age content where I cover whatever I do, like exploring electronics, working on smart home projects, reviewing products, designing tutorials, publishing news, etc.

For any query or suggestion, you can always comment on the relevant article or directly connect with me at abstractotech@gmail.com or pushpendrapatel@gmail.com.

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Old address: abstractotech.blogspot.com

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